Re: linker error
* James Kanze:
On Jul 23, 7:02 pm, "Alf P. Steinbach" <> wrote:
* Victor Bazarov:
g++ supports standard "main" by default,
Visual C++ supports standard "main" when using appropriate switches (by
default Visual C++ is also non-standard-conforming wrt. exceptions, RTTI
and for-loop syntax, so it must be browbeaten into submission).
Aren't they all? You need -std=c++98 -pedantic with g++, and
God knows how many options with Sun CC. Add to that the fact
that pure C++ compliance locks you out of a lot of Posix, and
what's a programmer to do?
which you don't have and that's what the linker is
complaining about. MS Windows programming is not the same
as just plain programming. That's why you probably want to
set aside the "Windows" side of things for now and switch to
creating what is known as "Console Applications".
Good advice.
I know this is off topic, but the issue comes up so often: what
the hell is a "console application"?
See <url:>, written by
yours truly (ahem).
It was some time ago.
Since then (correcting information in that tutorial): Visual Studio 8.0
is now available for free, and the CodeBlocks IDE is generally
recommended instead of Bloodsheed Dev-C++.
Unless I've misunderstood something greatly, in the end, an
application is an application. If it invokes some system
function which opens a window, and plays around in it, then it
is a GUI (or Windowing) application, but that's a result of the
code the programmer wrote, and nothing else. The applications I
write don't normally do this: are they automatically console
applications (even if they are started by a cronjob, or at
system start-up, with cin, cout and cerr connected to
No, the difference is the specification of subsystem in the executable,
which gets different services from Windows depending on the subsystem.
The problem is that Microsoft's C++ tools treat those subsystems
differently by default, in order to cater to limitations of late 1980's
16-bit Windows. It's extremely silly.
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is it such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?