Re: Free C++compilers for a classroom

 James Kanze <>
Tue, 25 Sep 2007 02:09:15 -0700
On Sep 23, 12:14 am, "Alf P. Steinbach" <> wrote:

* john:


Anyway, the Rolls Royce free environment is Microsoft's Visual Express
with Visual C++ 8.0.

I guess it depends. I found the IDE with the free version of
VC++ 8 pretty unusable. But then, I've found most IDE's pretty
unusable; they get in the way more than they help. I can
imagine for a beginner, however, they do mean that he can start
producing and testing code faster, with a lot less other stuff
to learn. (He'll have to learn it later, of course.)

Not that I use it myself, I'm happy with Visual
Studio.NET 2003, and as regards the IDE, was even happier with DevStudio
6.0 (at least it did what you /told/ it to)... I'm guessing that if you
don't choose that, your students will anyway, and then will complain
about the primitive not-so-shiny thing they're forced to use in classes;
in particular, student will appreciate the wondrous state-of-ze-art
simply the bestest debugger, assuming it's part of the free version.

Presumably, as they're students, they're not allowed to use a

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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