Re: Hide Member from Intellisense list

=?UTF-8?B?RXJpayBXaWtzdHLDtm0=?= <>
Tue, 09 Oct 2007 12:48:25 GMT
On 2007-10-09 14:00, wal wrote:

On Oct 9, 1:35 pm, Erik Wikstr??m <> wrote:

On 2007-10-09 12:00, wal wrote:

I'm using __declspec(property) to access get/set methods as properties
(like in C# and VB.NET). Now, the problem is that both the property
name and the get/set methods show in the intellisense list. Is there
anyway to remove the names of the get/set methods from the
intellisense list?

Here's an example, I have two methods, one is a get method with the
name getText and another set method with the name setText, the name of
the property is Text. I only want Text to show in the intellisense
list, I don't want either getText or setText to show up in the list.

This has nothing to do with C++ or Win32 programming and is thus off-
topic in both the groups you have posted to. Ask your question in a
group discussing the VC++ IDE, such as

Erik Wikstr??m

Dear Steinbach, thanks for your reply but this is actually not what I
was asking about, my question was about Intellisense, I want some
members not to show in Intellisense.

Dear Erik, actually I was expecting there's a keyword that you prefix
to the member and it does exactly this (ie. remove a member from the
Intellisense list), this is why I posted in this news group. Besides,
my question has nothing to do with the IDE, i'm not trying to change
the options of visual studio, I want to do it from code...

IntelliSense is not part of either the C++ language or C++/CLR, it is
all in the IDE, and thus a newsgrups for the IDE is what you want. There
are no keywords or such that can be used to control IntelliSense since
it works by parsing the code and using the representation to give you
hints. In your case (since I believe that you are programming in C++/CLR
or managed C++) the code is first compiled to the CLR and the metadata
is then used by IntelliSense, in CLR there are no properties, they are
translated into a get and a set method along with a variable to hold the
data, which is why you see those in IntelliSence.

Using a newer version of VS and using the property keyword instead of
declspec will give you a smarter version of IntelliSense that knows that
those functions and the variable belongs to a property and will only
show you this. Note however that this is not topical in c.l.c++ since it
concerns C++/CLR and not C++.

Erik Wikstr??m

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