Re: Favorite FREE C++ compiler
On Nov 7, 10:31 pm, "" <> wrote:
So what compilers (that are FREE) do you guys like?
Links too please.
IMO, Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition.
As much as I berate Microsoft, objectively speaking, their compiler
tool set is simply state-of-the-art.
I've done the tour of CDC, VAX/VMS, Ultrix, Honeywell, vi on *nix,
Emacs/gcc on *nix, Turbo C on Windows, Quick C on Windows, Watcom C++
on Windows, and Visual C++/Visual Studio on Windows, and out of all of
them, Visual Studio is where I find my comfort level. The C++
compiler provides decent standards-compliance, and for me, there is no
comparison between managing an IDE and wielding a bunch of makefiles.
When Microsoft announced that they were providing FREE licenses for
their Express editions, I was dumbstruck. I don't think the average
15-year-old really knows the power of what s/he is getting when s/he
downloads this IDE.
-Le Chaud Lapin-
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