Re: C++03 IDE+compiler for Windows / educational purposes
On Feb 21, 2:39 am, "Alf P. Steinbach" <> wrote:
* Ioannis Vranos:
Do you know of any decent free simple C++03 IDE+compiler for
Windows for use in a classroom? I know Dev-C++/MINGW but
"long double" doesn't work always correctly there.
Well, if g++ isn't good enough for long double, and
considering that Visual C++ long double is the same as double,
i.e. no special long double type, I guess your only option
would be to try to combine e.g. CodeBlocks or Eclipse IDE
with Digital Mars compiler or the like.
However, is "long double" that important (and btw., what's the
problem with g++ and long double?)?
If it isn't all important, go for g++ with CodeBlocks, or
Visual C++ with Visual Studio Express, both free. Also note
that Microsoft is giving away the Professional edition of
Visual Studio to students, for free. I guess the teacher must
buy it... ;-)
I wonder what he really meant be C++03. None of the compilers
mentionned so far truely implements C++03---all are missing
export, for example; more importantly for students, I suspect
that most of them have subtle variations in their treatment of
two phase lookup, and I think VC++ allows binding of a temporary
to a non-const reference, and, and, and... On the other hand,
all are perfectly fine for the sort of things I'd imagine
students would be doing.
If he really needs standards conformance, of course, Comeau is
about his only choice. Not free, but very reasonably priced.
(No IDE either, but there's always gvim/emacs and make:-).)
James Kanze (GABI Software)
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