Re: Programming Windows

Victor Bazarov <>
Tue, 20 May 2008 15:11:59 -0400
nikhil wrote:

Alright I down loaded Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition from my
MSDN account. anything else that I need.

Ask in the right newsgroup.

Any suggestions for Books or any links that I can use to start with.

Links, definitely:,,, (if you're into that toolkit).

Books, I am not sure nowadays, there are so many and then there are
numerous interesting technologies... You would have to ask specialists
in the specialized newsgroup.

Last time I tried starting with Programming Windows, Fifth Edition by
Charles Petzold but was not able to continue long (Just 2 days :D).

Nobody can't do nothing about that. Petzold has written several books
on Windows programming and all of them are gems, AFAIC.

I know I should ask these questions in different group bus as I've
started thread here and also I'm getting answers so no point making a
new post in new group :D.

No, you just put the follow-up to the proper newsgroup, that's all. Who
besides you is interested in this? And if somebody else is, where are
they going to be looking for answers, here or in a Visual C++ forum?
And where is the main knowledge? What if the answers are not correct,
there is no chance for an expert to correct them. Post to the right
newsgroup for best results.

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I do not respond to top-posted replies, please don't ask

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