Re: Template specialization, nested

Pete Becker <>
Sun, 25 May 2008 16:55:30 -0400
On 2008-05-25 16:46:59 -0400, Your Name <none@none.none> said:

Pete Becker <> wrote:

I get the following compile error (Visual Studio 2005):

error C2768: 'ToString' : illegal use of explicit template


Since you haven't given any context, it's impossible to guess what the
real problem is.

I don't know what context you're looking for, exactly... I just tried to
compile the code that you gave as an example, and the error above is the
result. Here is the entire thing, which is just your code plus two curly

   template<class element_type>
   void ToString<std::vector<element_type>>(std::string &s,
   std::vector<element_type> &value)

That code snippet can't possibly compile as is. It uses a namespace
that hasn't been defined, a template that hasn't been defined, and a
class that hasn't been defined. All those were missing in your original
code, as well.

Roundhouse Consulting, Ltd. ( Author of "The
Standard C++ Library Extensions: a Tutorial and Reference

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