Re: Surprising struct initialization

Greg Herlihy <>
Thu, 3 Jul 2008 13:00:11 -0700 (PDT)
On Jul 3, 9:05 am, Juha Nieminen <nos...@thanks.invalid> wrote:

struct Point { int x, y; };

struct Line
    Point endpoint[2];
    int weight;

Line createLine(int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey)
    Line l = { sx, sy, ex, ey, 1 };
    return l;

  Both gcc and Visual Studio 2005 compile that happily.

  My question would be: Is that *really* correct, or are both compilers
simply being lenient? What are the exact rules for the initialization
blocks of structs?

The compilers are not being lenient - multiple braces can be elided in
an aggregate initializer. Therefore, a program can replace this:

   Line l = {{{sx, sy}, {ex, ey}}, 1 };


   Line l = {sx, sy, ex, ey, 1 };

as long as there are enough arguments to match the aggregate members.
Otherwise, the braces would be needed. For example:

    Line l = {{{sx, xy}}, 1}; // l.endpoint[1] is initialized to {0,

I would leave the braces in an aggregate initializer (even when not
needed) just to make the code more readable.


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