Re: #include with <> or "" ?

Victor Bazarov <>
Fri, 01 Aug 2008 10:44:07 -0400
saneman wrote:

I have a folder 'app' containing a file 'main.cpp' and a subfolder 'types'
(containing various header files). In main.cpp some header files from the
subdir 'types' are included like:


But I have to change them to

#include "types/vector.h"
#include "types/matrix.h"

to make compilation work. I know that 1) worked earlier with the original
makefile but I don't have that anymore. How is it possible to make the code
compile with the version used in 1) again?

I am currently working in MS Visual Studio 2008 and it seems that makefiles
are generated automatically.

The difference in processing of the angle-bracket type inclusion
directives and the double-quote type is *implementation-defined*. It is
not specified in the language Standard how those are different and what
to do in the case like yours. Please post to the newsgroup that deals
with your compiler. IIRC, VC++ looks in the project directory for the
quoted type and in the "include" directories for the bracketed type, so
you might need to add your current directory to the "list of include
directories" (see /I compiler option).

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