Re: vc++ best ide?

James Kanze <>
Sat, 20 Dec 2008 12:13:52 -0800 (PST)
On Dec 20, 5:59 pm, Rolf Magnus <> wrote: wrote:

On Dec 20, 3:58 am, Juha Nieminen <nos...@thanks.invalid> wrote:

Ron AF Greve wrote:

And as an editor vi has of course its disadvantages but
sometimes I actually mis some of its regex power in the
VC++ editor (I know that got reg expresssions too but for
some reason I never get the same thing from it, as I get
from vi :-( ).

Then why don't you use vi? It has been ported to Windows.

Visual Studio in no way forces you to use its own editor
for editing the source code files. I use Visual Studio for
my payjob, and I use (a Windows port of) emacs to edit my
files (for the simple reason that I have been using emacs
for that purpose for over 10 years and thus I'm so
accustomed to it).

When I want to compile, I simply switch (alt-tab) to Visual
Studio and hit F7 (to compile).

Well, I hit F7 in vim to compile. It automatically saves all
changes before running make. After building, it automatically
jumps to the first error or warning. No need for Visual

Yes, and the editor is somewhat more powerful (although from
what I've heard, Visual Studio's editor is no slouch
either---but since I develop on Solaris and Linux, I've never
had the occasion to learn it well).

thanks for all the replys, i can see most coding is done in
text editors and not ide's, never knew that

I think both is done. An IDE hides a lot of stuff, and IMHO,
for learning purposes, it's good to know what's going on
behind the scense. And getting an initial makefile to start
with isn't really hard. Then you can use any editor you like,
and you'll always be able to get along without an IDE.

Funny, I would have thought the opposite. When learning, you
don't really want to have to learn everything at once; not
having to learn make is a definite advantage if you're still
struggling with the C++ basics. Later, of course, when you're
in an industrial environement (and using the team's makefiles),
none of the IDE's I've seen (including Visual Studios) seem to
have any advantage over an editor with a built-in make command;
the difference comes down to the editor (and I do know people
who use Visual Studios because they prefer its editor to vi or

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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