Re: vs6.0 to vs2008 break in exception handling in the release versio
Morris Neuman wrote:
I have upgraded an application written in c++ from VS6.o to VS2008
C++. The upgraded application works fine but the exception handling
via try/catch blocks does not seem to work in the release version.
When debugging in the IDE, exception handling works fine, but the
release version just throws exceptions to the screen as if no
try/catch statements are there, and the application aborts. No
try/catch code was changed.
What has changed from vs6.0 to vs2008 to break this exception
handling in the release version?
Presumably you're relying on the non-standard behavior of VC++ catching
non-C++ exceptions (i.e. Win32 Structured Exceptions, such as an access
violation) in a catch(...) block. Starting with VC2005, catch(...) will not
catch structured exceptions in a release build unless the code is compiled
with /EHa.
The proper way to deal with structured exceptions is to eliminate them, or
use the __try / __catch keywords (VC++ extension), or to use
_set_se_translator() to convert them into C++ exceptions (which still
requires compiling with /EHa).