Re: How to get menu identifier?

"Ben Voigt [C++ MVP]" <bvoigt@newsgroup.nospam>
Thu, 17 Sep 2009 11:32:12 -0500
Sree wrote:

Thanks for your reply ben,
             what i understood from your post is it is difficult to
menu text bcox so many actions cause WM_COMMAND. but as i learn from
msdn LOWORD of wParam will give the menu identifier.and i found from
spy++ that each menu contains unique comparing this
identifier i thought to know which menu item is clicked..
i am trying to hook wordpad..any how i got some idea...when i visited
the menu item(wm_menuselect trap with WH_CALLWNDPROC) and got the menu

Here i got one big problem...

when i tried the same code of VS2005 and sql server 2005 it is not
generating any WH_MENUSELECT..then my code become can
we get the menu item text?

My intesion is:
                  i want to write menu item text when the user clicks
menu item in any open application(like VS2005 or SQL2005 or MS-Word
etc). Please tell me how can i achive this..which msg i have to trap?
which hook i have to use?(FYI wm_menuselect is not generating in
vs2005). i have little bit knowledge abt hooking..just tell me the
way how i do this...

Visual Studio (and probably some other products as well) don't use true
Win32 menu APIs. They have pull-off menus which are a custom control. I'd
think they still produce WM_COMMAND with a ID meaningful to the program, but
as for how to retrieve the string... it's specific to the particular library
used for the custom menus.

You're most likely going to have to use Spy++ and make a dictionary of
command numbers vs menu text.

Word doesn't have menus at all (starting in Office 2007).

also i want to the information about standard tool bar icons when the
user clicks can i achive this also...please help me...

Toolbars also aren't a standard control (although I think there is a common
control, many programs use a custom toolbar implementation).

Thanks in advance..

Sree wrote:

Thanks for your reply Ben,
                       actally my intention is to get menu item
names,which user clicks.
i am using WH_GETMESSAGE hook and processing WM_COMMAND msg. by this
i am only able to get identifier of the menu(which is integer value
not like IDM_xxx).

I used spy++ to know which msgs are generating when i clicked a menu
or standard tool bar icon( ex:paste etc). it is generating
wm_command msg with lparam value is getting loword of
wparam i am able to get menu identifier..from now how to get menu

That's not the menu identifier (which is what you got with
WM_MENUSELECT), it's the command (which is why it comes in
WM_COMMAND). How would you tell Windows what value to send from
menus you created? You'll have to check that structure for every
menu in the program and see which one matches, there is no
one-to-one mapping for command like there is for menu ids. (More
than one menu item can send the same command, toolbars and
accelerators/hotkeys can also generate WM_COMMAND). But in most
cases you'll find a menu item that sends the command and you can use
its caption.

i mean i need menu item text like "paste ctrl+v", "undo ctrl+z"

please help me..i stuck with this..
(i am able to get menu information when i used WH_CALLWNDPROC hook
and using WM_MENUSELECT but this msg generating when menu item is
visited. i dont want this..i want to know menu information when user
clicks a menu(wm_command) in any open application like notepad
,wordpad etc..)

Thanks in advance...

What message are you processing?

Some messages contain a menu child item id, from which you can
easily learn the menu caption (the string that appears in the
menu). WM_COMMAND contains only an application-specific id. You'd
have to use Spy++ on each such application to find out what number
corresponds to each menu item.

"Sree" <> wrote in message

Hi guys, no one knows answer for this question? i stuck with this
problem form one week. please help me..

is it possible to know which menu item is clicked using
wh_getmessage hook?
if not possible please tell me the way how can we achive this?
i trying with wh_getmessage hook and i am only able to get
identifier of the
menu item. how to menu information using this identifier? is it
possible? on internet i not found anywhere about this.....

Thank you in advance...
At last i learned something for today...:)

"Sree" wrote:

Hi i am new to hooking..i am using wm_getmessage hook to know
which menu item
is clicked.
i am using the follwing code to get identifier of the menu

WORD identifier=LOWORD(pMsg->wParam);

it is giving integer value..up to now is fine...
my problem is how to know which menu item is clicked by using
this identifier? is it possible by this? or is there any other
way to know which
menu item clicked?

please explain with code if possible..

Thanks in advance...
At last i learned something for today...:)

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