Re: Grumble...

James Kanze <>
Sat, 7 Aug 2010 07:18:22 -0700 (PDT)
On Aug 6, 9:43 pm, Sousuke <> wrote:

On Aug 6, 11:06 am, James Kanze <> wrote:

On Aug 6, 12:53 pm, "Balog Pal" <> wrote:

"=D6=F6 Tiib" <>

Why you are sorry? It may be any reason like for example it
is corporate policy. Like: "Open source? NO!" People using
awful things like MS Source Safe code repository because of
such evil fate forces them are not unheard of. What makes me
suspidous is that 2% (one from 50?) who somehow can use Unix

I still didn't get the point from the last round: what is
supposed to be so compelling about the unix toolbox on

So what do you use? There isn't a reasonable toolbox bundled
with Windows, nor delivered with VS, so you've got to use
something. (A lot of the Windows people here use perl.
Personally, I find that even worse than the Unix toolbox. And
it doesn't work well interactively.)

And why would you need such things?

Do be able to do any reasonable development work. To let the
machine do all of the repetitious, boring tasks.

Maybe the reason is that you're unaware of the alternative,
better ways to do things. For example, I've recently seen
talks in this group about makefiles. How about just letting
the IDE's project system do all the build tasks automatically
for you?

Because it doesn't work. (At least the one in Visual Studios is
completely broken with regards to dependency analysis; it does
the dependency analysis *before* the pre-build steps---which of
course modify files which should trigger additional

Alf mentions that some libraries require such tools. Well, I
would simply doubt the quality of such a library.

How many portable libraries have you written? How do you solve
portability issues otherwise? automake and company are far from
perfect, but they do work, which is more than I can say for most
of the other tools I've seen.

VS is the only development tool I have installed, and
Windows's "Command Prompt" doesn't even appear in the
commonly-used apps section of my Start menu.

And? If you don't have access to any of the tools necessary to
do the job, you don't develop serious software.

Let's be honest about this. If you're doing all the work,
rather than writing simple scripts to do much of it, then you're
wasting a lot of your time. For simple, repetitive tasks, the
machine is a lot better than you are.

James Kanze

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