Re: template function Ambiguity.
On Aug 14, 4:37 pm, FE <> wrote:
I developed class vector and class matrix use mingw gcc.
then move to vs 2008 get Problem:
template<class TYPE,int DIM=3>
class Vector
template<class TYPE,int COL=4,int ROW=4>
class Matrix
when call Vector<double,4>*Matrix<double,4,4>
Ambiguity in
template<class TYPE,int COL,int ROW>
Vector<TYPE,COL> operator*(Vector<TYPE,ROW>&v,Matrix<TYPE,COL,ROW>
template<class TYPE,int DIM,class SCALETYPE>
Vector<TYPE,DIM> operator*(Vector<TYPE,DIM> const&v,SCALETYPE t)
vs2008 bug or Correct?(mingw gcc is pass).
how can I Solve this and don't loss Flexibility on operator*?
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