Re: Usage of isleadbyte()

James Kanze <>
Fri, 19 Nov 2010 04:55:42 -0800 (PST)
On Nov 19, 7:10 am, Tobias <> wrote:

On 17 Nov., 15:29, Jorgen Grahn <> wrote:

On Tue, 2010-11-16, Tobias wrote:

I'm programming a map which redefines some Unicode
Characters like ?? to the "normal" letter E, just for
fun. My question is now how the detailed usage of
isleadbyte() works.

And isleadbyte() is part of the C++ standard library, or ...? I never
heard of it and your example code doesn't #include anything,

Yes it is included in the standard library.

No it is not. It sounds like it has something to do with UTF-8,
maybe, but I don't know. It's not mentionned in either C++03 or
the current draft of C++0x. It might be a Windows specific
function, or a function from some other library you're using, or
for all I know, a function you wrote yourself.

My include is just
<iostream>. I also forgot to say that i use Visual Studio 2010 with an
empty Windows Console program template.
This is the MSDN page of the function.

So it's something specifically Windows.

But I still dont get it, why i have to pass an interger into
a function, which is built to say me if the parameter is an

Just guessing, but it might be following the classical Unix
idiom, which uses int's to contain a character (in the range
0...UCHAR_MAX) *or* EOF (which must be negative), see for
example the functions in <ctype.h>. In that case, passing it
a char will result in undefined behavior, in a lot of cases,
because the range of char often contains negative values not
equal to EOF. Practically speaking, with such functions, you
have to cast your char to unsigned char before passing it.

I also tried to pass &pointer, but it doesnt

If the function expects an int, you can't pass it a pointer.

James Kanze

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