Re: Inheritance based type conversion and private inheritance
"Daniel Kr?gler" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Am 25.04.2011 14:55, schrieb Matthias Hofmann:
"Daniel Kr?gler"<> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
The compiler is defect and should not accept your very last
That's good news because I was already beginning to doubt my sanity. I
know whether this is a known issue, maybe I should file a report with
I recommend to do so, I verified that the same defect still exists in
VS2008. You may want to try VS2010 before reporting this.
I just tried to file a report with Microsoft, but it looks as though they do
not accept any reports for versions below Visual Studio 2010, which I cannot
install in a trice. Could anyone using this version please verify that the
bug still exists?
Matthias Hofmann
Anvil-Soft, CEO - The Creators of Toilet Tycoon - Die Macher des Klomanagers
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