On 8/27/2014 6:28 AM, Chris Vine wrote:
On Tue, 26 Aug 2014 16:09:04 -0500
Lynn McGuire <lmc@winsim.com> wrote:
Looks like C++ is trending more verbose to me.
Well, I guess we can all enjoy a good troll.
Language "trending" is a slightly odd way of putting it, but taking the
word at its face value and having used C++11 quite a bit now, I would
say that C++11 definitely encourages the writing of simpler code than
C++98, and so is "trending" less verbose than C++98. I would be very
surprised if C++14 wasn't moving in the same direction.
The first trend that increased the verbosity of C++
code for me was the addition of namespaces to the
standard libraries. We gave up adding std:: all
over the place and just added a "using namespace std;"
to our global include. We were porting to C++ from
Smalltalk in 2003 and the std:: just about broke the
port for us.
I just see a lot of new keywords coming in and little
new functionality. Of course, we are still using
Visual Studio 2005 and have no opportunity to try out
all of the new items in our code base.
chance to try anything yet? In my book it's called "prejudice". Stop
seriously (instead of just skimming over somebody else's articles).
"- Caruso? I don't like the voice...
- Nah. Johnny sang me a couple o'tunes."