Re: Cast pointer to data member to integer type - legit?

Scott Lehman <>
12 May 2006 07:47:44 -0400
In article <e3v9a5$c2$>,
  Falk Tannh?user <> wrote:

However, if you really need to convert member pointers to offsets,
you can try the following function, for which one can imagine 2
different ways to implement it (I put them in a conditional
compilation directive):

   template<typename ClassT, typename MemberT> inline
   std::ptrdiff_t offset_off(MemberT ClassT::*memptr)
   #if 0 // *** [1] ***
     ClassT* pc = 0;
     return reinterpret_cast<char*>(&(pc->*memptr)) -
   #else // *** [2] ***
     ClassT c;
     return reinterpret_cast<char*>(&(c.*memptr)) -

Keep in mind that the way [1] relies on Undefined Behaviour,
thus it may work on some implementations and break on others
- especially in presence of multiple or virtual inheritance.

Way [2], while not suffering from this problem, has the
disadvantage of instantiating the class in question -
in particular it requires the presence of an accessible
default constructor.

Thanks. I'll keep this in mind, though it's certainly not optimal and
maybe a bit too risky.

So there is no 100% satisfying solution to your problem,
short of proposing an appropriate new feature to the Standard...

Oh well. Guess I'll either just stick with C for this part or change
the API.

I think the matter is closed now. I see what I was doing was
implementation specific and not defined by the language, and unless I'm
dealing with PODs, getting byte offsets isn't quite trivial.

Thanks to all for the assistance - the archives for this group have been
very helpful on multiple occasions.


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