Re: Question about using copy constructor of parent class?

"flamexx7" <none@none>
Sat, 22 Jul 2006 10:13:56 +0530
"flamexx7" <none@none> wrote in message

In my book there is a question about "properly" creating a copy
constructor of child class during inheritance. Is it ok to use upcasting
here ? I've used upcasting and it seems to work fine.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A{
     int a;
            A(int temp=0):a(temp){}
            A(const A& right):a(right.a){}
class B:public A{
     int b;
            B(int temp=0):b(temp){}
            B(const B& right){A(*this);

 You're right rolf, I tricked myelf. Now I know instead of

            B(const B& right){A(*this);

it should be

B(const B& right):A(right){

int main(){
   B b;
   B b1=b;

"Rolf Magnus" <> wrote in message

flamexx7 wrote:

In the programme below is it possible to call copy constructor of class
inside copy constructor of class B.

Yes, but not for the current object. You can do that in the initializer

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A{
      int a;
             A(int temp=0):a(temp){}
             A(A& right):a(right.a){}

Should be:

              A(const A& right):a(right.a){}

Or even better, just leave it out completely. The compiler will then
generate a copy constructor for you that does exactly the same.

class B:public A{
      int b;
             B(int temp=0):b(temp){}
             B(B& right){ A(right.A);

             B(const B& right):A(right) {}

int main(){

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