Re: Visibility of Protected Functions

IR <>
29 Nov 2006 18:21:45 -0500
Michael K. O'Neill wrote:

Given this code:

class A
   void Priv() {};
   void Pro() {};

class B : public A
   void Understanding( A *otherA, B *otherB )


Then in B::Understanding(), I understand that in the first three
calls to Priv(), the function A::Priv() is inaccessible and will
be flagged as errors by the compiler.

In the calls to Pro(), I understand that the call to this->Pro()
is absolutely fine. I also understand that in otherA->Pro(),
A::Pro is not accessible through a "A" pointer or object.

But why is the call to otherB->Pro() OK? And what is the
rationale for it being OK (e.g., where is it useful)?

Every object of class B can access B's private and protected members
of any other object of class B.

This allows you to write:

class X
private: // or protected, doesn't matter
  int i;
  X(int v = 33) : i(v) {}
  X(const X& o) : i(o.i) {} // we can copy i although it is private
  void dummy() { std::cout << i; }

Back to your example, A::Pro is visible to B objects because of the
inheritance. So each and every B object can access any other's
B::Pro member (even though it happens to be defined in A), simply
because it can access it's own B::Pro member.

IOW, private/protected "boundaries" are not enforced at object
(instance) level (how could they?), but at class level.


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