Re: Is this class design correct? A better way?

"nw" <>
21 Feb 2007 07:45:58 -0800
On Feb 17, 12:17 am, Piyo <> wrote:

Hi, I hope this helps in some way. Note: I have no clue what your
problem domain is but I have some indication that the following
sample code will help you in some way. BTW, I did NOT try to compile
the code. I merely wrote it to give you some idea.

Good Luck!
PS. I like to use boost. If you don't, RcPtr can be replaced with
a raw pointer. (

#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

class IntegratorImpl
     typedef boost::shared_ptr<IntegratorImpl> RcPtr;

     IntegratorImpl( double a ) : m_a( a ) {}

     virtual bool integrate() = 0;

     // I think that a should be here not in Body
     // but I don't know what a is.
     double m_a;


class EulerIntegrator : public IntegratorImpl
     EulerIntergrator( double a ) : IntegratorImpl( a ) {}

     virtual bool integrate()
         // do Euler integration
     // put Euler integration specific stuff here


// add Vertlet and LeapFrog integrators as separate classes like
// EulerIntegrator

class Integrator
     enum IntegrateType
         kNone, kEuler, kVertlet, kLeapFrog

     void selectIntegrator( Integrator type, double a )
         switch( type )
         case kEuler:
             m_impl.reset( new EulerIntegrator( a ));
         case kVertlet:
             m_impl.reset( new VertletIntegrator( a ));
             // you get the idea
             // throw? your choice

     bool integrate()
         if( m_impl )
             return false;
             return m_impl->integrate();

     // just a raw pointer if you do not like boost
     IntegratorImpl::RcPtr m_impl;


class Body

     bool integrate() { return m_integrator.integrate(); }

     virtual void selectIntegrator( Integrator::IntegratorType type )
         // assuming 0 is a good default for a here
         m_integrator.selectIntegrator( type, 0 );

     Integrator m_integrator;
     // rest of your data members here


class Planet : public Body
     Planet( const Body &body ) : m_body( body ) {}

     double calcForce()
         // use m_body to calculate a here
         double a = 1.0;
         return a;

     virtual void selectIntegrator( Integrator::IntegratorType type )
         m_integrator.selectIntegrator( type, calcForce() );

     const Body &m_body;


// something similar for SimpleHarmonic

   Planet p;
   Planet p2;
   SimpleHarmonic s;

   p.selectIntegrator( Integrator::kLeapFrog );
   p2.selectIntegrator( Integrator::kVertlet );
   s.selectIntegrator( Integrator::kVertlet );

   cout << "planet,leapfrog: ";

   cout << "planet,verlet: ";

   cout << "simpleharmonic,verlet: ";

   return 0;

nw wrote:


I was wondering if someone would be able to give me some comments on
the following class structure, it feels to me as if there must be a
better way, but I'm unsure what it is, perhaps I should be using
multiple inheritance?

Basically I have a pure virtual class called Body, this contains a
number of integration algorithms which are applied to the Body.
Generally only one integration algorithm will be used with a
particular Body. The integration algorithm is called by the
integrate() method, which selects the integration algorithm depending
on how you have set the variable integration_type.

I'm not sure if it's relevant to this discussion but Body is the base
class from which two others are derived, these implement the
calculate_force() method, this method updates a variable used by the
integrate() method.

Compilable example code implementing this design follows. Apologies if
I've been overly verbose.

Any help greatly appreciated!

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Body {

  double x, y, z;
  double a;

  static const int BODY_INTEGRATE_EULER=1;
  static const int BODY_INTEGRATE_VERLET=2;
  static const int BODY_INTEGRATE_LEAPFROG=3;

  int integration_type;

  virtual bool calculate_force(Body &b) = 0;

  Body() {

  bool integrate() {
    if(integration_type == BODY_INTEGRATE_EULER) {
      // .. do euler
      cout << "Euler integration" << endl;
      return true;
    } else
    if(integration_type == BODY_INTEGRATE_VERLET) {
      // .. do verlet
      cout << "Verlet integration" << endl;
      return true;
    } else
    if(integration_type == BODY_INTEGRATE_LEAPFROG) {
      // .. do leapfrog
      cout << "Leapfrog integration" << endl;
      return true;

class Planet : public Body {

  virtual bool calculate_force(Body &b) {
    // do force calculation for planet... updates a

class SimpleHarmonic : public Body {

  virtual bool calculate_force(Body &b) {
    // do force calculation for simple harmonic motion... updates a

int main(void) {
  Planet p;
  Planet p2;
  SimpleHarmonic s;

  p.integration_type = Body::BODY_INTEGRATE_LEAPFROG;
  p2.integration_type = Body::BODY_INTEGRATE_VERLET;
  s.integration_type = Body::BODY_INTEGRATE_VERLET;

  cout << "planet,leapfrog: ";

  cout << "planet,verlet: ";

  cout << "simpleharmonic,verlet: ";

  return 0;

Thank you for both your and Alf P. Steinbach's suggestions.

In my example, a is acceleration. It is a quantity calculated from
other member variables of Body (not shown) and used by unshown members
of Body. I suppose I could pass the integrator object a reference to
Body through which it could access these values, but then I guess I
have lots of integrator objects which only contain a reference to
Body? I think this would basically mean changing the Integrators to
something like:

class EulerIntegrator : public IntegratorImpl
  EulerIntegrator(Body &b) : IntegratorImpl(b) {}

  bool integrate()
     Vec velocity = m_body.get_velocity();
     Vec acceleration = m_body.get_acceleration();
     Ensemble &m_ensemble = m_body.get_ensemble();

     velocity += acceleration * m_ensemble.get_dt();
     position += velocity * m_ensemble.get_dt();

It seems from this I would have a lot of largely empty integrator
objects, one for each body. Is it possible to avoid this? Are there
other alternatives I should consider?

Thanks again for your help.

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