Re: Dereferencing a null-pointer allowed?

James Kanze <>
8 May 2007 08:35:52 -0700
On May 8, 2:13 pm, Lutz Richter <> wrote:

given the following code:

class B
   B(): Value(99) {}
   int Get() { if (this) return Value; else return -1; }

   int Value;

int main()
   B* b = 0;
   cout << b->Get();}


I wonder if this is allowed.

Definitly not. b->f() is the same as (*b).f(), and *b
dereferences a null pointer.

I did not have any problem with any
compiler yet. It works! But is this guaranteed?

Try uping the optimization. A good compiler will know that
"this" can never be null, and optimize out the test, always
executing the true branch. Throw in multiple inheritance or
virtual functions, and there's a good chance that the code will
core dump even without optimization.

Unfortunately Stroustrop & Co. do not mention this problem in their

You mean that they don't say that you're not allowed to
dereference a null pointer? Or that they don't explain that
"p->" is the equivalent of "(*p)".

If anyone has a documentation about NOT doing the above example,
then please tell me.

According to the standard, "p->" is the equivalent of "(*p)",
"*p" is the dereferencing operator, and dereferencing a null
pointer is undefined behavior.

James Kanze (Gabi Software) email:
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