Re: RTTI basics

Stuart Redmann <>
Mon, 11 Jun 2007 09:24:10 CST
Rune Allnor wrote:

Hi all.

I would like to use a class hierarchy where one const data field
holds a class-specific value. I would like to do something like

The term "data field" is a bit unspecific. Do you mean a member (which may
require storage for each instance of the class) or a class variable
(which would
exist exactly once)? As you state that the value is specific to the
class, you
probably want the second one.

class base{public; static const int n};

class a : public base{public:};
class b : public base{public:};

const int a::n = 1; // These don't compile: "n is not a member of
class a. "
const int b::n = 2;

I can get what I want, but I have to do it like this:

class base {public:};
class a : public base{public: static const int n;};
class b : public base{public: static const int n;};

const int a::n = 1;
const int b::n = 2;

Oh, I see what you want to get (some kind of ID that comes along with each
sub-class of base).

While this works, I don't like the multiple declarations of n
in each class derived from the base class.

I am afraid that you'll have to live with this. As the constant value
should be
static, you cannot use the inheritance mechanism of non-static variables

Can this sort of thing be done by declaring a const member
of the base class?


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