Re: partial template specialization

Lance Diduck <>
Wed, 10 Oct 2007 17:11:12 CST
On Oct 10, 7:01 am, Tomcat <> wrote:

Hi All,

   Can you help me with a problem i have with a partial template
specialization, let's say i want to specialize template AB for a
container sdt::deque or any other. Is there any way to have all
methods and properties from 'general' AB and to specialize only
ONE method ? I think i coud do that using multiple inheritance,
there any other way ?

----------------------------------------- FILE
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template<class T, template <class,class> class Cont , typename Alloc =
allocator<T> >
class AB{

        typedef typename Cont<T,Alloc> tCont;
        tCont buf;

        void write(T & el){
                cout << "general" << endl;

        void read(T & el){
                el = buf.last();


template<class T,class Alloc

class AB<T,std::deque,Alloc>{
        void write(T & el){
                cout << "specialized" << endl;
                std::deque<T,Alloc> buf;


class A{

        ~A(){ cout<< "destructor" << endl;} };

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

        AB<A,std::vector> Buf;
        A b;

        AB<A,std::deque> Buf2;
        A c;



Thanks in advance,

There is a way using single inheritance. This method also has the
advantage of not requiring compilers that implement template typedefs

First make a class that holds the container
template<class U>
struct Buf{
       U buf;
       typedef typename U::value_type value_type;
Now make up the general writer and a specialization
template<class T>
struct Write:T{
   typedef typename T::value_type value_type;
   void write(value_type const & el){
        std::cout << "general" << std::endl;
template<class X,class A>
struct Write<Buf<std::deque<X,A> > >
    :Buf<std::deque<X,A> >{
typedef typename Buf<std::deque<X,A> >::value_type value_type;
void write(value_type const& el){
        std::cout << "specialized" << std::endl;

NOw make up a template that implement the reader class

template< class T>struct Read{};//empty
template< class T>
struct Read<Write<T> >:Write<T>{
  typedef typename Write<T>::value_type value_type;
  void read(value_type & el){
        el = this->buf.back();
now to make a few test instances. You can see now the reason for the
empty general Read template -- it prevents us from getting the
declaration order wrong:

typedef Read<Write<Buf<std::vector<int> > > > RWVec;
typedef Read<Write<Buf<std::deque<int> > > > RWDeque;

void foo(){
    RWDeque rwdeq;
    RWVec rwvec;
    int j;;;
prints out the desired results

Of course, you can write Reader that alos specialize on the container
template< class X,class A>
struct Read<Write<std::vector<X,A> >:Write<std::vector<X,A> >{

This technique is also preferred over MI methods, since many compilers
do not have Empty Base Optimizations when using MI.

Hope this helps

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