Re: How dynamic_cast works internally?

Bo Yang <>
Mon, 22 Oct 2007 21:16:59 +0800
Lance Diduck:

Consider this case:
class A{virtual ~A(){};};
class B:public A{};
A*a=new B;
B*b =dynamic_cast<B*>(a);
Conceptually, it is like this if is were written in C:

void A_dtor(A* ){}
typeinfo A_RTTI(){
    static typeinfo
   return typeinfo("A");
}//compiler generated
void(*)() A_vtbl[]={A_dtor,A_RTTI};
struct A{
A_ctor(){vptr=A_vtbl;}//compiler generated

void B_dtor(B* ){}
typeinfo B_RTTI(){
    static typeinfo
   return typeinfo("B");
}//compiler generated
void(*)(B*) B_vtbl[]={B_dtor,B_RTTI};
struct B{
B_ctor(){vptr=B_vtbl;}//compiler generated

This is what A and B conceptually look like underneath the hood. Now
when dynamic_cast is called, the compiler generates a function
something like

B* Dynamic_Cast(A*a ){
       return a;
    return 0;

Thank you for your detailed explaination. And you mean all dynamic_cast
use RTTI inside. yes?

From this, it is easy to extrapolate how this can be extended to work

for references.

You can see the reason now why dynamic_cast only works for types that
have "virtual" somewhere, either a function or inheritance.

Yes, class with no virtual has no virtual table at all.



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