Re: how to reuse a copy constructor in an operator = function

Kai-Uwe Bux <>
Sun, 04 Nov 2007 14:49:52 -0800
James Kanze wrote:

On Nov 3, 8:27 pm, Kai-Uwe Bux <> wrote:

James Kanze wrote:

On Nov 2, 10:10 pm, Kai-Uwe Bux <> wrote:

JD wrote:

My associate has written a copy constructor for a class.
Now I need to add an operator = to the class. Is there a
way to do it without change her code (copy constructor) at
all? Your help is much appreciated.

First off, why would adding an assignment operator affect the
copy constructor? In fact, you can very likely implement
assignment in terms of the copy-constructor. There are two

(a) Copy-swap:

  T& operator= ( T const & t ) {
    T(t).swap( *this );
    return ( *this );

You need to implement a swap() method for this one.

(b) Destruct-resurrect:

  T& operator= ( T const & t ) {
    if ( &t != this ) {
      new (this) T (t);
    return ( *this );

This method has gotchas and is not exception safe and is
therefore not applicable in all cases (but despite the harsh
words that H. Sutter finds about it, it can be justified

It also causes no end of problems if someone inherits from the

(a) That's one of the gotchas, and

(b) the reason for using


instead of


That actually takes care of _many_ problems this method can
cause in the context of inheritance.

I don't think so. First, if the destructor of the T is
non-trivial, you've probably got undefined behavior---I don't
see what else it could be if you destruct a base class without
destructing the derived class.

I don't know; but it could be true. [3.8/7] comes to mind.

In practice, of course, you will not see a problem; and one can argue that
[3.8/7] is overspecified. The last item in the list seems to be written
with this->~T() in mind. (The example that follows this provision in the
current draft n2461 seems to support that interpretation.)

(This is also true if the
destructor of T isn't virtual, of course.) And of course, After
the new, you have an object of the base class type; any use of
it as the derived class it originally was is undefined behavoir
as well.

Huh? I am not following. The derived object is still there and can be used
as an object of the derived type. I don't see how its type (static or
dynamic) could have changed in the process. Here you argue as if the
destructor call had torn down the ambient derived object, whereas above you
worried about destructing the subobject while not destroying the ambient


So far, I only used it in the implementation of a few
smart-pointers. In that case, the self-assignment test can be
improved to test for equality of values, the destructor is
non-virtual, and the resulting assignment is no-throw.
Moreover, there is no reason to inherit from those
smart-pointers, ever.

If 1) you can be sure that no one will ever derive from the
class, 2) you can be sure that the copy constructor cannot
throw, and 3) you can be sure that anyone modifying the code is
aware of these constraints, and will modify the assignment
operator if they cease to hold, then it's safe. I've never
really seen a case where I feel safe concerning 3, and 1 and 2
generally imply a class so simple that it's not worth the effort
using a dubious idiom.

Rule of thumb: generically (and always, when in doubt), go
with (a).

Only if you can implement a no-throw version of swap.

Well, if swap() is no-throw, then (a) is exception safe. But
even with a possibly throwing swap(), it will still do an
assignment. You just don't get the exception safety for the

Nor any other benefits.

What other benefits do you expect from an assignment operator?

Exception safety is not the only reason to use (a) (or (b) for
that matter). The main reason for using one of the two
methods above is code-reuse: if the assignment operation is
non-trivial, it is generally much easier to get it right by
defining it in terms of the copy-constructor. E.g., in the
context of reference-counted smart-pointers, it appears to be
somewhat difficult to get the order of count-adjustments

It depends. If I'm writing such a pointer today, I'd define a
nothrow swap, and use it. But long before I was aware of the
idiom, I knew enough to increment the pointer being copied
first, and decrement the one being overwritten second.
Alternatively, you could just check whether the two pointers
pointed to the same thing first.

It's easy to have more complicated situations. When the destructor and the
copy-constructor are getting longish, it is usually a pain to write an
assignment operator from scratch. In those cases, it increases
maintainability to use the copy-swap thing.



Kai-Uwe Bux

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