Re: Overriding overloaded functions in base classes

Kira Yamato <>
Thu, 29 Nov 2007 21:08:32 -0500
On 2007-11-29 16:41:41 -0500, red floyd <no.spam@here.dude> said:

Rick wrote:

One of the rules I have recommended for our new coding standard is as

"When overriding a base class virtual function, all overloads of that
base class virtual function should also be overridden. Otherwise, the
overloads of the overridden function in the base class will not be
visible from the derived class."

In other words...

class foo
  virtual int abc( int def );
  virtual int abc( char ghi, int jkl );

class bar : public foo
  int abc( int def ); // << override of first abc in base class

I claim that virtual int abc( char ghi, int jkl ) in class foo is now
invisible to class bar and its users, i.e.:

int w;
char x;
int y;
bar z;

w = x, y );

... will not work.

But, I can't find any reference in Stroustrup (or anywhere else, so
far) that supports that claim.

Am I right or wrong?

If I am right, then I have been asked to provide a reference to
something that supports it, so if any of you happen to know of a
reference I can use (preferably to Stroustrup) that would be much

See FAQ 23.9.

Ok. But what is the rational behind this? Why should functions in
derived classes hide those in base classes rather than just overloading

I've been told over and over that a good trait of nice clean software
design is the principle of least surprise. I would've expected that if
a function is in the base class, then it should be visible in the
derived classes also.



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