Re: ambiguity in diamond inheritance

karthikbalaguru <>
Fri, 7 Mar 2008 23:57:25 -0800 (PST)
On Mar 7, 6:11 pm, Pete Becker <> wrote:

On 2008-03-06 23:34:45 -0500, karthikbalaguru
<> said:

I understand the Diamond Problem and the solution of "Virtual
that is used to overcome ambiguity.
But, i wonder why should the Diamond problem arise. This should
be taken care by C++ internally and resolved. Why C++ could not
handle it internally without asking us to do the 'virtual

"The Diamond Problem" arises because the writer of a class hierarchy
didn't understand how inheritance works.

struct A
int i;


struct B : A


struct C : A


struct D : B, C
void f();


void D::f()
    i = 3; // error: ambiguous

There are two separate "i" members in D. There's no way the compiler
can "handle it internally".

But, Why is the compiler unable to handle it internally ?

You have to say what you mean:

void D::f()
    B::i = 3; // OK: B's "i" member

If you don't want to have two "I" members in D, then the inheritance
hierarchy as written above is wrong. If the design calls for only one A
subobject, you do that by making A a virtual base everywhere. Then
there's only one "i" member in D. But note that that's a design
decision, not an implementation decision. Either you have only one A
subobject, in which case "i" is unambibuous, or you have two, and you
have to say which one you mean.

Roundhouse Consulting, Ltd. ( Author of "The
Standard C++ Library Extensions: a Tutorial and Reference

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