Re: Virtual bases and default move and swap functions [n2583, n2584]

Seungbeom Kim <>
Thu, 22 May 2008 05:38:38 CST
Richard Smith wrote:

In a virtual inheritance hierarchy, the implicitly-declared assignment
operator is allowed to assign the base class multiple times
[[class.copy] 12.8/13]:

[ example snipped ]

Generally, this is not a problem, as it is fairly unusual to store
data in virtual bases, [...]

Is it really? I thought the point of virtual inheritance was to prevent
having separate copies of the data members from the same base class;
without any data members in the base, making the base virtual or
non-virtual wouldn't make much difference. Am I wrong?

Because in many cases, it would be virtually impossible (no pun
intended) for the compiler to do anything else. Imagine V, A and B
all have user-defined assignment operators, with implementations
buried away in a source file somewhere. In practice the
implementations of A and B are likely to look something like:

   A& operator=( A const& o ) {
     // assign members
     return *this;


Now, give this; and specifically given that the implementations of
A::operator=, B::operator= and V::operator= may not be visible to the
compiler, what should the compiler-generated D::operator= look like?

The only reasonable definition is:

   D& operator=( D const& o ) {
     // and then assign each member ...
     return *this;

And this will generally double-assign the base class, V, because
A::operator= will assign it, and then B::operator= will do it again.
However, for most classes, the double assignment is safe -- it is
merely a slight inefficiency.

One way to prevent double assignment is, implementing separate
assignments by hand:

struct A : virtual V
     void assign_without_V(A const&); // ignore the V part
     A& operator=(A const& o) {
         return *this;

// similarly for B

struct D : A, B
     D& operator=(D const& o) {
         return *this;

Yes, it's tedious, but AFAIK it's the only way to get it correct.

Seungbeom Kim

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