Re: how to use private inheritance

Fri, 22 Aug 2008 03:11:27 -0700 (PDT)
On Aug 22, 11:59 am, ""
<> wrote:

i read book <effective c++>,it tell me that public inheritance means
is-a ,and private inheritance means is-implemented-in-terms-of.
but today i am puzzled by some strange codes.

the following program can not pass compiling , bailing :
g++ d.cpp -o d
d.cpp: In function `int main()':
d.cpp:27: error: `a' is an inaccessible base of `b'

it is obviously okay to understand,because private inheritance is-

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class a
        virtual void doit() {cout<<"a\n";};


class b: private a
        void doit() {cout<<"b\n";}


class c
        void set(a * pa) { m_a =pa;m_a->doit();};
        a * m_a;


int main ()
        c cc;
        cc.set(new b);
  return 0;


but when i change source code sightly ,still with private
inheritance, everything is ok,this surprise me.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class a
        virtual void doit() {cout<<"a\n";};


class c
        void set(a * pa) { m_a =pa;m_a->doit();};
        a * m_a;


class b: a
        void doit() {cout<<"b\n";}
        void go() { c cc;cc.set(this);};


int main ()
        b bb;
  return 0;


the above two program seem same to me,but the results arte complete
why ? can anyone do me a favor of giving any hints ?

In the first program you are
1. Creating an object of type b.
2. Using type b to access function of type a via the inheritance .
   Now since a has been privately inherited the compiler does not
allow you to do so.

In the second program you are
1. Creating an object of type b.
2. Calling a public member of class b (i.e. go())
3. In member go() you have created an object of type c (i.e. cc) and
calling member set() for this object of cc.
4. When the object of cc is created it already has a pointer to type a
and the compiler will copy the contents of
   object b (i.e. formal argument of set()) to the actual argument
(i.e pointer to a).
   Here you are not trying to access the contents of a via the
inheritance and hence the compiler is not complaining.

I hope my explanation was clear.


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