Re: Interfaces in C++
On 2008-10-07 02:07:33 -0400, anon <anon@no.invalid> said:
Maik wrote:
On 6 Okt., 21:12, "A.Gallus" <> wrote:
Bingo, that did the job, thx!
class A
virtual void myfunc() = 0;
class B : public A
You should consider to prefer
class B : public virtual A
to avoid being bitten by:
which will most likely happen if one uses the interface pattern.
I think that is worse performance wise then just this:
class B : public A
At least thats what I read here:
And int is faster than double, so I won't use floating-point.
Unfortunately, that often gives the wrong answer.
Seriously: virtual and non-virtual inheritance have rather different
meanings, and performance concerns (whether real or imaginary) never
overrule correct semantics.
Roundhouse Consulting, Ltd. ( Author of "The
Standard C++ Library Extensions: a Tutorial and Reference
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