Re: Interfaces in C++
On Oct 10, 11:09 am, anon <a...@no.invalid> wrote:
Pete Becker wrote:
On 2008-10-07 02:07:33 -0400, anon <a...@no.invalid> said:
Maik wrote:
On 6 Okt., 21:12, "A.Gallus" <> wrote:
Bingo, that did the job, thx!
class A
virtual void myfunc() = 0;
class B : public A
You should consider to prefer
class B : public virtual A
to avoid being bitten by:
which will most likely happen if one uses the interface pattern.
I think that is worse performance wise then just this:
class B : public A
At least thats what I read here:
And int is faster than double, so I won't use
floating-point. Unfortunately, that often gives the wrong
What I suggested is "do not use it, unless you have to"
We're talking here about a very general case of an interface
which extends another interface. The correct "default" is to
use virtual inheritance, since it is always "correct"; with
non-virtual inheritance, you artificially restrict the ways the
client code can use the interface.
Seriously: virtual and non-virtual inheritance have rather
different meanings, and performance concerns (whether real
or imaginary) never overrule correct semantics. my
understanding of the virtual inheritance.
You haven't said what are differences in virtual and
non-virtual inheritance meanings.
He probably supposed that that was known.
Whether I am going to use a virtual inheritance depends on the
design, and I would not suggest to people to use it because it
might prevent a bug.
Certainly, it depends on the design. If I'm inheriting a
concrete implementation class directly from a single interface,
and the concrete implementation class is not designed to serve
further as a base class, then I don't bother with virtual
inheritance. If I'm extending an interface (in the sense that
Java uses the word "extends"), then I do, systematically. If
I'm providing a concrete implementation class which uses the
template method pattern to allow for further client
customization, it depends, but virtual inheritance has the
advantage of allowing more flexibility to the client.
James Kanze (GABI Software)
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