Re: Copy a Base Class to a Derived Class

LR <>
Mon, 12 Jan 2009 19:51:02 -0500
iakko wrote:

On 12 Gen, 21:06, Daniel Pitts
<> wrote:

There is a difference between classes and instances! Make sure not to
confuse the two. When you have "new Derived()", you have actually
created a new Base along with a new Derived, so you don't need to have
another new Base();

That's not what I'm looking for. Suppose that the Base class is
produced by another class that I cannot modify. Suppose that I can
only use instances of a Derived class of Base. Thus, I can only make
an instance of Derived class and handle an already instanced Base
class. That's the scenario:

Is inheritance really what you want to do? I'm going to guess that the
class that you're inheriting from doesn't have a virtual dtor and might
need one.

int main()
        /* Cannot touch from here ... */

          Base * b = new Base();
          printf("k: %d\n", b->getK());
          /* prints 0 -- 2 */

        /* ... to here! */

        Derived * d = new Derived();

        printf("i: %d\n", d->getI());
        /* prints 10 -- 0 */

        b = d; /* ??? Doesn't work */
        d = b; /* ??? It's the same, doesn't work */

You want to assign pointers of different types to each other?

        printf("i: %d -- k: %d\n", d->getI(), d->getK());
        /* prints 10 -- 0 or 0 -- 2, it depends on b = d or d = b */

d and b point to different objects.

        return 0;

Doesn't work.

Seems like the c++ language does not allow this behavior, but it's
logically plausible.

If you want to modify the int in Base that is inherited by derived, have
you considered something like this?
#include <iostream>
class Base {
    int i;
    void SetI(const int ii) { i = ii; }
    int GetI() const { return i; }
class Derived : public Base {
    void SetI(const int ii) { Base::SetI(ii); }
    int GetI() const { return Base::GetI(); }
int main() {
    Derived d;
    std::cout << d.GetI() << std::endl;

Suppose you have a Server class with a method that produces a Socket
class needed to handle connections. Suppose you want to inherit the
Socket class to generate Connection classes.

/* Pseudo code here, no implementations of methods */

class Server {
        Server(); ~Server();
        Socket * incomingConnection();

class Connection : public Socket
        Socket(); ~Socket();

I don't understand this, you have a ctor and a dtor for Socket in the
Connection class?


int main () {
        Server srv;
        Socket * mySck = new Socket();

        for(;;) {
            mySck = reinterpret_cast<Connection *>

        /* mySck loses al the informations, takes the entire data of
the Socket class returned by srv.incomingConnection(); */

In this scenario, deriving a Connection class is extremely useful! The
only way should be that srv.incomingConnection() returns a Connection
derived class filled whit data. I cannot do that because it belongs to
the untouchable library.

Maybe my english is not good enough to explain what I mean, but I hope
that the example can make it clearer.

Thanks anyway for your time :)

I'm pretty sure that I don't follow all of that, but maybe what you want
is something like this:

class SocketWeCantTouch {};
class ServerWeCantTouch {
    SocketWeCantTouch *socket() const {
        // who owns this?
        // many details are missing, so I don't know
        // but we might not want to delete this thing
        // ourselves but let the classes we can't touch
        // do it for us.
        return new SocketWeCantTouch;

class Connection {
    SocketWeCantTouch *p_;
    Connection(const ServerWeCantTouch &s)
    p_ (s.socket())
    ~Connection() {
        delete p_; // wait a minute, who owns this?
    SocketWeCantTouch *p() const { return p_; }

int main() {
    const ServerWeCantTouch server;

    for(;;) {
        const Connection c(server);


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