C++ FAQ - How to write copy ctors/operators

"Martin T." <0xCDCDCDCD@gmx.at>
Wed, 11 Mar 2009 02:44:31 CST
Today I got really confused by explicit vs. implicit base copy ctor calls.

Although it makes sense with hindsight, I haven't found it on
http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite and think this should really be
part of either
[19] Inheritance ? basics
or of
[10] Constructors

The problem I had was that I wasn't aware how to correctly write a copy
ctor (and operator) in the face of inheritance: The problem is, that the
copy ctor provided by the compiler will implicitly call the *copy* ctor
of the base class. However, if I supply my own copy ctor I am required
to also explicitly call the copy ctor of the base class as otherwise the
*default* ctor will be called.
I think this is easily overlooked (as was by me) and really should be
part of the FAQ.

Find some sample code below.


-- test.cpp --
#include <iostream>

// A simple struct that provides some logging for demonstration purposes
struct Simple {
   int x;

   : x(0)
     std::cout << "Simple()\n";

   Simple(Simple const& o)
   : x(o.x)
     std::cout << "Simple(Simple const& o)\n";
   Simple& operator=(Simple const& o)
     x = o.x;
     std::cout << "Simple& operator=(Simple const& o)\n";
     return *this;

// Trying to inherit from Simple
// The copy ctor/operator is bugged
struct Wrong : public Simple {
   int cannot_copy;

   : cannot_copy(0)
   { std::cout << " Wrong()\n"; }

   Wrong(Wrong const&)
   : cannot_copy(0)
   { std::cout << " Wrong(Wrong const& o)\n"; }

   Wrong& operator=(Wrong const&)
     std::cout << " Wrong& operator=(Wrong const& o)\n";
     // cannot_copy ... keep
     return *this;

// Correctly implementing the copy ctor/operator
// Have to explicitly call the base members!
struct Correct : public Simple {
   int cannot_copy;

   : cannot_copy(0)
   { std::cout << " Correct()\n"; }

   Correct(Correct const& o)
   : Simple(o) // don't forget to explicitly call the base copy ctor!
   , cannot_copy(0)
   { std::cout << " Correct(Correct const& o)\n"; }

   Correct& operator=(Correct const& o)
     std::cout << " Correct& operator=(Correct const& o)\n";
     Simple::operator=(o); // don't forget to explicitly copy the base
     // cannot_copy ... keep
     return *this;

int main(int, char**)
   using namespace std;
   Simple s1;
   Wrong w1;
   Correct c1;

   s1.x = 99;
   w1.x = 666;
   c1.x = 777;

   cout << "Copy construct and copy Correct object ...\n";
   Correct c2(c1);
   cout << "c2.x: " << c2.x << "\n";
   c2 = c1;
   cout << "c2.x: " << c2.x << "\n";

   cout << "Copy construct and copy Wrong object ...\n";
   Wrong w2(w1);
   cout << "w2.x: " << w2.x << "\n";
   w2 = w1;
   cout << "w2.x: " << w2.x << "\n";

-- test output --
Copy construct and copy Correct object ...
Simple(Simple const& o)
  Correct(Correct const& o)
c2.x: 777
  Correct& operator=(Correct const& o)
Simple& operator=(Simple const& o)
c2.x: 777
Copy construct and copy Wrong object ...
  Wrong(Wrong const& o)
w2.x: 0
  Wrong& operator=(Wrong const& o)
w2.x: 0

      [ See http://www.gotw.ca/resources/clcm.htm for info about ]
      [ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]

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