Private and Protected Inheritance

Marcelo De Brito <>
Mon, 4 May 2009 12:22:22 -0700 (PDT)

I do not know if it is a standard, but I got surprised when I made a
private inheritance and called, inside the derived class, a public/
protected member function from the base class without any compiler
complain (I got a similar feedback when using protected inheritance).
Is that a standard?

I thought that when it comes to private inheritance, the derived class
could not access any member from the base class, since all of them
would become private too.

If what I am saying is not clear enough, see the code below:

using namespace std;

class c1 {
        c1() : i(10) {cout << "c1::c1()" << endl;}
        ~c1() {cout << "c1::~c1()" << endl;}
        void f() {cout << "c1::void f()" << endl;}
        void g() {cout << "c1::int g()" << endl;}
        int h() {
            cout << "c1::int h()" << endl;
            cout << "i = " << i << endl;
        int i;

class c2 : private c1 {
        c2() : i(5) {cout << "c2::c2()" << endl;}
        ~c2() {cout << "c2::~c2()" << endl;}
        void f1() {
                                     cout << "c2::void f1()" << endl;
                                     f(); // HERE
                                     g(); // HERE
                                     h(); // HERE
        int i;

int main()
    c2 obj2;



I appreciate any comment, suggestion, etc.

Thank you!

Marcelo de Brito

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