WPF non visual dcependancy property inheritance for non-visual objects
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post ths question - feel free to point
me to the proper group if it isn't.
I am trying to implement WPF dependancy property inheritance in a non-visual
object hierarchy.
Below is the complete code for a simple console app test - it just requires
references to PresentationCore, PresentationFramework & WindowsBase to
I am stuck on how to implement the object relations.
How does WPF programatically implement containership to enable property
inheritance ?
It would be a shame if this is only possible with visual elements.
using System;
using System.Windows;
namespace CTest
class Program
static Selectable a = new Selectable();
static Selectable aa = new Selectable();
static Selectable aaa = new Selectable();
static Selectable aab = new Selectable();
static Selectable ab = new Selectable();
static Selectable aba = new Selectable();
static Selectable abb = new Selectable();
static void Main( string[] args )
* can we mimic xaml containment structure
* to enable dependancy property value inheritance
* a.AddChild(aa); ???????
* aa.AddChild(aaa);
* aa.AddChild(aab);
* a.AddChild(ab);
* ab.AddChild(aba);
* ab.AddChild(abb);
dump( null , "All false");
dump( a , "All true ");
dump( aa , "aa branch true" );
dump( aaa , "aaa true" );
Console.Write( "Any key to continue ...." );
Console.ReadKey( true );
static void dump( Selectable s ,string msg)
if ( s != null )
s.Selected = true;
Console.WriteLine( "--- {0} ---" , msg );
Console.WriteLine( "a = {0}" , a.Selected );
Console.WriteLine( " aa = {0}" , aa.Selected );
Console.WriteLine( " aaa = {0}" , aaa.Selected );
Console.WriteLine( " aab = {0}" , aab.Selected );
Console.WriteLine( " ab = {0}" , ab.Selected );
Console.WriteLine( " aba = {0}" , aba.Selected );
Console.WriteLine( " abb = {0}" , abb.Selected );
if ( s != null )
s.ClearValue( Selectable.SelectedProperty );
public class Selectable: DependencyObject
public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectedProperty;
public bool Selected
get { return (bool) GetValue( SelectedProperty ); }
set { SetValue( SelectedProperty , value ); }
static Selectable()
SelectedProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
"Selected" ,
typeof( bool ) ,
typeof( Selectable ) ,
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
false ,