Re: aggregate casting

restor <>
Fri, 4 Dec 2009 09:59:55 CST

We all know dynamic/static cast - to travel along hierarchy.
Is there a good way to cast along aggregates?

e.g. fill the line with aggregate_cast

struct B {} ;

struct A {
     int a1;
     char a2;
     // ...
     B b;
    // ...};

void foo(B*b)
  // b is for sure member of A; need to calc A addr based on B addr.
  A *a=/*aggregate_cast A.b*/ ; // elegant fill this missing line.
  // do something with a;}

int main() {
   A a;
   B *b=&a.b;


Don't tell me to re-factor and use hierarchy instead of aggregating...

Hi, first, from the code, and form your last line comment, it looks
like you are doing something evil. If you cast B to A (A is B + a1 +
a2), what do you do if someone wants to use a1?
Anyway, without using reinterpret_cast, I guess what would suit your
needs is any of the two:

template< typename From, typename To, From To::* Offset >
To* aggregate_cast1( From* ptr )
    void * voidOffs = &( static_cast<To*>(NULL) ->* Offset );
    char * toOffs = static_cast<char*>( voidOffs );
    ptrdiff_t diff = toOffs - static_cast<char*>(NULL);

    void * begin = ptr;
    void * x = static_cast<char*>(begin) - diff;
    return static_cast<To*>( x );

template< typename From, typename To >
To* aggregate_cast2( From* ptr, From To::* Offset )
    void * voidOffs = &( static_cast<To*>(NULL) ->* Offset );
    char * toOffs = static_cast<char*>( voidOffs );
    ptrdiff_t diff = toOffs - static_cast<char*>(NULL);

    void * begin = ptr;
    void * x = static_cast<char*>(begin) - diff;
    return static_cast<To*>( x );

They can be used like this:

    A *a = aggregate_cast1< B, A, &A::b >( b );
    A *a = aggregate_cast2( b, &A::b );

However those solutions are evil and will only work under certain
1. Struct A must be a POD: no virtual members, no virtual inheritance.
2. I am not sure how it works with different data alignments.
3. The only safe way to use thus converted pointer to A is to use its
member A::b.


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