Re: One more foolishness of the C++ Standard

"Bo Persson" <>
Mon, 25 Jan 2010 17:21:59 +0100
Vladimir Grigoriev wrote:

Ulrich, I forgot to add that in the derived class the constructor
for the base class must be.

B( const A & );

In this case two conversions can be: B ==> A and A ==> B and an
ambiguous reference can occur.

If you can always construct a B from an A, what is the difference? Why
are they different classes in the first place?

Bo Persson

Vladimir Grigoriev
"Ulrich Eckhardt" <> wrote in message

Vladimir Grigoriev wrote:

However try to provide that a + a will not compute when a + b, b
+ a, and b + b will compute for two classes when one is derived
from another..

Simple, provide these three overloads and no others:

b operator+(a const& l, b const& r);
b operator+(b const& l, a const& r);
b operator+(b const& l, b const& r);

However, I can't think of a reason for this either. Think of this:

b some_b;
a& a_ref = some_b;
a_ref+a_ref; // now what?

struct c: b {...};
c some_c;
b& b_ref = some_c;
b_ref+b_ref; // and here?

Generally, operator+ is something that rather fits for value
types. Public inheritance usually means the type is rather an
entity type, which don't like being treated as a value.


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