Re: When can one use "bare" procedural code?

mike3 <>
Tue, 30 Mar 2010 14:36:13 -0700 (PDT)
On Mar 30, 2:34 pm, "Daniel T." <> wrote:

mike3 <> wrote:

On Mar 30, 6:18 am, "Daniel T." <> wrote:

mike3 <> wrote:

I was wondering where, if at all, it's "OK" to use "bare"
procedural stuff (i.e. not part of objects, but bare functions) in
C++. For example, I've got these routines that implement a random
level generator algorithm (for a game). Is it OK to just do this
procedurally, like have a "MakeTunnel" function to make tunnels in
the map (which is an object, by the way), a "MakeRoom" function to
make rooms, etc., or should one put that in objects of some kind?
If so, what kind of way would be good for this? This one seems

I'm going to assume that what you are asking is if it is OK to have
global functions. The answer is of course, even the standard library
is full of them. However, the best code is modular in nature, and
the most natural way to express a module in C++ is by using a class.
I suggest you read, or re-read, chapter 2 of "The C++ Programming
Language" by Stroustrup. He gives a good overview of the various
programming paradigms.

If you find yourself writing a bunch of switch statements, or if..
else chains that all use the same condition, then you should
probably introduce more inheritance.

So then what, you have classes without data members then? It doesn't
make sense as a data type, it's an algorithm after all, and there
aren't any "global" variables that need to be tucked way, just

Is it OK to have it contain lots of internal functions that are used
inside it (e.g. the MakeTunnel stuff, etc.) but aren't for calling
from outside (the only ones that'd be available to the outside would
be the main generator routine which you punch in a level type to
generate and the necessary parameters (including a map to use) and it
generates that level on that map)?

So then if I had something like this:

class LevelGenerator {
 ... (various functions like MakeTunnel, etc. all "static") ...
 static GenerateLevel(LevelMap&, LevelType); // Generates the level

is that bad?

Show me the implementation of your GenerateLevel function. If you want
faster turn around time than the newsgroup, you can email me

Actually that routine itself is not yet written as of this posting. I
have a thing like the aforementioned RoomMaker, though. I'm just
about whether the overall organization, etc. is bad or not. Should one
a separate RoomMaker thing like that or not?

Though maybe you need the code to determine it (see the usage pattern,

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