Re: Storing const references to other objects in another object.

"Leigh Johnston" <>
Wed, 7 Apr 2010 15:52:03 +0100
"Leigh Johnston" <> wrote in message

"Kai-Uwe Bux" <> wrote in message

Leigh Johnston wrote:

"Leigh Johnston" <> wrote in message

"Daniel T." <> wrote in message

James Allsopp <> wrote:

I have a list of item objects which I'm trying to find which of these
objects are close to each other. The data in these objects does not
change. I const::iterate though the vector these are stored in, and
where the condition is met, create a linker object in another class.
don't want to recreate the classes, just store a reference to them.
The code from the linker is

class linker{
        linker( const item &spectra, const item & core, double
        const item & spectra;
        const item & core;
        double distance;
        int toString() const;


References were designed for argument passing, and it isn't
to use them as member-variables. Hold your items in const pointers

Not true, references were designed to be an alias to another object not
just for argument passing. It is perfectly fine to have reference
variables but if the class needs to be Assignable (to be compatible
a container for example) then reference member variables may not be
suitable. Your generalization is simply wrong though.


It is possible to re-seat a member reference in a user provided
operator by doing something similar to the following:

const foo& foo::operator=( const foo& other)
  if ( this != &other )
    this->~foo(); // lifetime of *this ends
    new (this) foo(other); // new object of type foo created
  return *this;

Yes, it is possible. However, there are some traps with that idea of
one should be aware. E.g., that assignment operator does not really
nicely with inheritance in OO design (virtual members and such). E.g.:

#include <iostream>

struct X {

 X ( void ) {
   std::cout << "creating X\n";

 ~ X ( void ) {
   std::cout << "destroying X\n";

 X & operator= ( X const & other ) {
   if ( this != &other ) {
     // this->~X();
     new (this) X (other);
   return ( *this );


struct Y : public X {

 Y ( void ) {
   std::cout << "creating Y\n";

 ~ Y ( void ) {
   std::cout << "destroying Y\n";

 Y & operator= ( Y const & other ) {
   X::operator=( other );
   return (*this );


int main ( void ) {
 Y* a_ptr = new Y;
 Y* b_ptr = new Y;
 *a_ptr = *b_ptr;
 delete a_ptr;
 std::cout << "-----------\n";
 Y* c_ptr = new Y;
 delete c_ptr;

This has formally undefined behavior [3.8/7] and on my machine prints:

creating X
creating Y
creating X
creating Y
destroying X
destroying X
creating X
creating Y
destroying Y
destroying X


Kai-Uwe Bux

Perhaps you can reply to my (couple of months old) post in comp.std.c++
that this caveat (and the other of possibly erroneously calling a dtor)
should be added to the example in 3.8/7 of the draft (n3035)? Two voices
are better than one.


Sorry after re-reading the draft your caveat is already present. Excuse my
inability to read posts fully.


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