Re: Implicit conversions for value subtyping

"Martin B." <>
Wed, 21 Apr 2010 00:46:50 CST
On 19.04.2010 14:04, David Barrett-Lennard wrote:

Consider that we implement simple datatypes (i.e. simple "value
types") without virtual functions and all read only functions are
global functions (instead of class member functions). Let single
argument constructors be used to support implicit type conversions.
E.g. to emulate Square value is-a Rect value.

Well. Except that it "isn't" - not in the sense that we are supposed to(?) understand is-a, namely that everything (interface-wise) you can *do* with one thing has to be doable with the other thing. (in your example the interface of Rect implicitly
contains the possibility to change w and h, which Square doesn't.)

However, I think your example cleverly captures is-representable-by - or rather you capture, not that a Square "is-a" Rect, but that a Square can be (losslessly) converted to a Rect.

The following uses structs (public member variables) without
suggesting that is necessarily appropriate.

      struct Square { int s; };
      int side(Square sq) { return sq.s; }

      struct Rect
          Rect(Square s) : w(side(s)), h(side(s)) {}
          int w, h;
      int width(Rect r) { return r.w; }
      int height(Rect r) { return r.h; }
      int area(Rect r) { return width(r) * height(r); }

      void Test()
          Square s = {10};
          int A = area(s);

The width, height and area functions defined on rectangle values are
also available for square values, which is just what we need, and
could be viewed as a form of inheritance. (...)

It could. With the right audience. I fear the average listener might be slightly confused though.

I think the example shows that there can be value in defining "interface" functions such that if they only operate on public data there may be arguments for making them free functions rather than member functions.

Square inherits functions defined on rectangles but not the
implementation of rectangle (i.e. the member variables). (...)

While I would agree that on a certain conceptual level "inheritance" seems an appropriate term, I also think that it already has a predefined meaning that doesn't quite fit your example.


1) Is this a reasonable technique?

It looks neat and I'm sure there are a few cases where it is very reasonable. I just wouldn't call it inheritance.

2) Is there a reason why C++ was designed so that const member
functions defeat the implicit conversions on *this?

I'm sure I don't know what you mean by that??


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