Re: Why does the C++ spec. prohibit downcasting through non-public inheritance?

Paul Bibbings <>
Fri, 30 Apr 2010 21:35:19 +0100
edam <> writes:

But now consider
this code:

struct B {
  virtual ~B() {};

struct D : protected B {
  void foo() {
    B &b = dynamic_cast< B & >( *this ); // upcast ok here
    D &d = dynamic_cast< D & >( b ); // runtime error
  friend class F;

struct F {
  void foo( D &dref ) {
    B &b = dynamic_cast< B & >( dref ); // upcast ok here
    D &d = dynamic_cast< D & >( b ); // runtime error

void main() {
  D d;;
  F f; d );

Here, we successfully upcast from a derived class reference to a
protected base class reference in two places: from a member function
the derived class and from a member function of a friend class.

We also attempt to downcast from a protected base class reference to a
derived class reference in the same two places--an action that would
succeed if we weren't using protected inheritance. Both attempts fail
with std::bad_cast thrown.

I've been having a look at this again, having *thought* that I'd
deciphered from the standard what I should expect to happen in relation
to your code here. That is /should/ happen as your results (for
gcc-4.4.3) appear to indicate probably surprised me as much as it did

What surprises me even more, having recognised that there have been a
number of bugs in gcc over how access control is handled (though none
specifically in relation to use of static_cast, as I could find), I went
back to try a version of your code in the most recent release, half
expecting - from my reading of [expr.dynamic.cast] ?5.2.7/8 - that it
would fail even the upcasts, only to find something very different.

If we take the code above and add the headers <iostream> and <typeinfo>,
correct the return on main and add a couple of debug print statements
there, we get:

   21:23:34 Paul Bibbings@JIJOU
   /cygdrive/d/CPPProjects/CLCPP $cat dyn_cast_ex1.cpp
   // file: dyn_cast_ex1.cpp

   #include <iostream>
   #include <typeinfo>

   struct B {
      virtual ~B() {};

   struct D : protected B {
      void foo() {
         B &b = dynamic_cast< B & >( *this ); // upcast ok here
         D &d = dynamic_cast< D & >( b ); // runtime error
      friend class F;

   struct F {
      void foo( D &dref ) {
         B &b = dynamic_cast< B & >( dref ); // upcast ok here
         D &d = dynamic_cast< D & >( b ); // runtime error

   int main() {
      D d;
      try {;
      } catch (std::bad_cast) {
         std::cout << "std::bad_cast from\n";
      F f;
      try { d );
      } catch (std::bad_cast) {
         std::cout << "std::bad_cast from\n";

   21:23:42 Paul Bibbings@JIJOU
   /cygdrive/d/CPPProjects/CLCPP $i686-pc-cygwin-g++-4.4.3 -o
      dyn_cast_ex1 dyn_cast_ex1.cpp |
   21:24:27 Paul Bibbings@JIJOU |
   /cygdrive/d/CPPProjects/CLCPP $./dyn_cast_ex1 |
   std::bad_cast from // fail <---+
   std::bad_cast from // fail <---+

   21:24:33 Paul Bibbings@JIJOU
   /cygdrive/d/CPPProjects/CLCPP $i686-pc-cygwin-g++-4.5.0 -o
      dyn_cast_ex1 dyn_cast_ex1.cpp |
   21:25:01 Paul Bibbings@JIJOU |
   /cygdrive/d/CPPProjects/CLCPP $./dyn_cast_ex1 |
                                           // OK? <---+
   21:25:07 Paul Bibbings@JIJOU
   /cygdrive/d/CPPProjects/CLCPP $

So. gcc-4.5.0 doesn't regard there to be a problem here at all, and I'm
.... confused now.


Paul Bibbings

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