Re: Does object have function?

Joshua Maurice <>
Thu, 28 Oct 2010 15:19:36 -0700 (PDT)
On Oct 28, 3:01 pm, "Jim Langston" <> wrote:

What I am trying to accomplish: I have a map of polymorphic objects and
these objects may have certain methods defined or not. If the instance=


the method then I want to call it, otherwise not.

It is trivial to create a virtual function for a few functions. But I =


have to add every single function that could be interfaced.

I would just to somehow be able to tell if an instance has a function
available. Consider:

#include <iostream>

class Base {
   virtual ~Base() {}


class DerivedOne : public Base {
   void foo() { }


class DerivedTwo : public Base {
   void foo() { }


class DerivedThree: public Base {


int main() {
   Base* bps[3];
   bps[0] = new DerivedOne();
   bps[1] = new DerivedTwo();
   bps[2] = new DerivedThree();

   for ( auto i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
      DerivedOne* thisOne = dynamic_cast<DerivedOne*>( bps[i] );
      if ( thisOne )


I would have to dynamic_cast for every class that had a foo() defined to
execute all foos. Is there a way to do what I want?

In short, no.

The longer answer is that this reeks of bad design, in any programming
language. Casts should be rare in statically type OOP programs, and
the use of casts usually signals a bad design. However, without
knowing your specific problem domain, such as what "foo" is, I am
unable to provide any specific advice - well, besides the advice that
you should read the FAQ.

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