Re: Is there any better approach to private inheriting from the STL containers?

Leigh Johnston <>
Wed, 27 Apr 2011 12:03:17 +0100
On 27/04/2011 08:58, Michael Tsang wrote:

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I'm writing 2 classes which is intended to be used like any other STL

// begin code
class Lrv {
         Lrv(const Lrv&rhs);
         explicit Lrv(int number);
         Lrv&operator=(const Lrv&trailer);
         operator bool() const;
         const int&phase;
         const int&number;
         const bool&trailer;
         bool is_compatible_with(const Lrv&trailer) const;
         bool matches(unsigned constraint) const;
         int _phase, _number;
         bool _trailer;

class Fleet : private vector<Lrv> {
     typedef vector<Lrv> Base;
     // types
     using Base::reference;
     using Base::const_reference;
     using Base::iterator;
     using Base::const_iterator;
     using Base::size_type;
     using Base::difference_type;
     using Base::value_type;
     using Base::allocator_type;
     using Base::pointer;
     using Base::const_pointer;
     using Base::reverse_iterator;
     using Base::const_reverse_iterator;
     // statics
     const static unsigned new_lrv = 1, phase_3_lrv = 2, couple = 4, renewed =
     // constructors and destructors
     Fleet(const Fleet&rhs);
     // operators
     Fleet&operator=(const Fleet&rhs);
     const_reference operator[](size_type n) const;
     // other functions
     using Base::get_allocator;
     const_iterator begin() const;
     const_iterator end() const;
     const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
     const_reverse_iterator rend() const;
     using Base::size;
     using Base::max_size;
     using Base::capacity;
     using Base::empty;
     const_reference at(size_type n) const;
     const_reference front() const;
     const_reference back() const;
     pair<Lrv, Lrv> get(unsigned constraint);
     void put(const pair<Lrv, Lrv> &set);
     pair<Lrv, Lrv> get_internal(iterator first, iterator last);

class Timetable : private map<int, pair<Lrv, Lrv> > {
     typedef map<int, pair<Lrv, Lrv> > Base;
     // types
     using Base::key_type;
     using Base::mapped_type;
     using Base::value_type;
     using Base::key_compare;
     using Base::allocator_type;
     using Base::reference;
     using Base::const_reference;
     using Base::iterator;
     using Base::const_iterator;
     using Base::size_type;
     using Base::difference_type;
     using Base::pointer;
     using Base::const_pointer;
     using Base::reverse_iterator;
     using Base::const_reverse_iterator;
     using Base::value_compare;
     // constructors and destructors
     Timetable(const Timetable&rhs);
     explicit Timetable(int weekday);
     template<class Iterator> Timetable(Iterator first, Iterator last);
     template<class Iterator>
         Timetable(int weekday, Iterator first, Iterator last);
     // operators
     Timetable&operator=(const Timetable&rhs);
     using Base::operator[];
     // other functions;
     using Base::get_allocator;
     using Base::begin;
     using Base::end;
     using Base::rbegin;
     using Base::rend;
     using Base::empty;
     using Base::size;
     using Base::max_size;
     using Base::insert;
     using Base::erase;
     using Base::swap;
     using Base::clear;
     using Base::key_comp;
     using Base::value_comp;
     using Base::find;
     using Base::count;
     using Base::lower_bound;
     using Base::upper_bound;
     using Base::equal_range;
     void allocate(Fleet&fleet);
     enum {depot_single = -1, depot_couple = -2};
     map<int, unsigned> constraints;
     list<pair<int, int> >reforms;

bool operator==(const Fleet&lhs, const Fleet&rhs);
bool operator!=(const Fleet&lhs, const Fleet&rhs);
bool operator==(const Timetable&lhs, const Timetable&rhs);
bool operator!=(const Timetable&lhs, const Timetable&rhs);
bool operator<(const Timetable&lhs, const Timetable&rhs);
bool operator<=(const Timetable&lhs, const Timetable&rhs);
bool operator>(const Timetable&lhs, const Timetable&rhs);
bool operator>=(const Timetable&lhs, const Timetable&rhs);
void swap(Timetable&a, Timetable&b);

// end code

I don't want any automatic conversion from these classes to the STL base
classes because the bases are not virtual, however, I want them to behave
identically to STL classes. (The Fleet class should be a read-only container
that can only be modified by the member functions get and put; the Timetable
class should be read/writeable.) If I use composition instead, I need to get
through the headaches wrapping every public member function from the STL
classes. As the classes represent real-life objects, I also don't want to
write global functions operating on these classes (as the constructors are
very complex)

Your approach of privately inheriting is fine. Deriving publicly from
standard containers is also fine if you are careful; three things to be
aware of:

"As the container has public mutation member functions there is a need
to ensure that the derived class invariant is not broken by calling
these member functions. This is only a problem if the derived class
invariant consists of more than just the container's invariant and
consists of state which depends on the container's state. This should
not be an issue if interface augmentation only is being performed.

Does such an "is-a" relationship make sense? Is it important to know
that your derived class "is-a" particular container (i.e. it is more
than just an implementation detail)? If not consider private
inheritance and either wrap container member functions with new member
functions or use using declarations to make particular container member
functions accessible. Again this should not be an issue if interface
augmentation only is being performed.

A standard library container destructor is not virtual so you cannot
delete the associated object via a pointer to the container (base class)
as doing so would yield undefined behaviour. A lack of a virtual
destructor does not necessarily prevent inheritance: the standard
library already contains classes that are designed to be derived from
but do not have a virtual destructor (e.g. std::iterator).

 From my "Interface Augmentation" article at


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