Two C++ snippets for brainstorming

Chariton Karamitas <>
Fri, 02 Dec 2011 17:07:22 +0200
Hello everyone,

While practicing on C++, a friend of mine and I came across two
interesting cases, one regarding static functions and another regarding
friend functions. Our actual questions are given in the comments of the
C++ snippets given below. Help is appreciated :)

--- snip ---
// C++ test #1
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class hello {
     int prv;
     static void static_fun(void);

hello::hello(void) {
   cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;

void hello::static_fun(void) {
   // For static functions there's no 'this'.
   // Test #1:
   // this->prv = 0;
   // error C2355: 'this' : can only be referenced inside non-static
member functions
   // This is ok, static functions cannot access non-static
   // functions or variables.
   // Test #2:
   // prv = 0;
   // error C2597: illegal reference to non-static member 'hello::prv'
   // Okay, trying to access a non-static member from a static
   // function should cause such an error even if we're trying
   // to access it without a reference to 'this'.

   // Test #3: Compiles successfully!
   hello h;
   h.prv = 0;
   // QUESTION: Accessing a private member of another 'hello' instance!
   // What's going on here? This is valid in both VC and GCC.

hello::~hello(void) {
   cout << "Bye Bye, World!" << endl;

int main() {
   hello h;
   return 0;
--- snip ---

--- snip ---
// C++ test #2
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class B;

class A {
     int A_protected;
     int A_private;
     int A_public;

   friend void A_friend(B *);

class B: public A {
     int B_protected;
     int B_private;
     int B_public;

void A_friend(B *b) {
   // If B inherits A as public, the expression [1] compiles
   // and runs correctly.
   // If B inherits A as private, [1] throws a compilation
   // error.
   // Common sense is that private members of class A,
   // should not be accessible from an instance of class B
   // no matter what the inheritance type is!
   // What's going on here? In what way does the inheritance
   // type affect the friend function?

   cout << b->A_private << endl; // [1]

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
   return 0;
--- snip ----

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