Re: Is it ever unsafe to realloc?
On Thursday, July 12, 2012 3:19:36 PM UTC-4, Seungbeom Kim wrote:
On 2012-07-11 18:40, fmatthew5876 wrote:
Suppose I have a pool of memory (say a dynamic array) that I
allocate using malloc(), cleanup using free(), and use placement new
and explicit destructor calls to handle constructors/destructors.
If I want to resize this memory pool (invalidating any iterators/
pointers to objects in the pool) can I safely call realloc() to do it
no matter what kind of C++ objects are being stored? Are there some
classes of C++ types where I have to allocate a new pool using malloc()
and use move/copy constructors? If so what are the cases where realloc
is not safe?
realloc() potentially allocates a new block and bit-copies (as with
memcpy()) the old contents into the new block. This is safe for POD
objects, but not in general: the copy (or move) constructor should
handle the relocation.
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By why do copy/move constructors have to always be called? Can some
objects maintain internal pointers to parts of themselves in vtables?
For instance with virtual functions and/or virtual inheritance?
For instance when would this be unsafe?
class A {
A* ptr = (A*)malloc(sizeof(A)*2);
new (ptr) A();
new (ptr+1) A();
ptr = (A*) realloc(ptr, sizeof(A) * 3);
new (ptr+2) A();
or this?
A* ptr1 = (A*)malloc(sizeof(A));
A* ptr2 = (A*)malloc(sizeof(A));
new (ptr1) A();
memcpy(ptr2, ptr1, sizeof(A));
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