Re: compilers, endianness and padding

"James K. Lowden" <>
Mon, 13 May 2013 23:11:46 -0700 (PDT)
On Mon, 13 May 2013 16:19:48 CST
Seungbeom Kim <> wrote:

Seungeom, I want to acknowledge the care you took to pose a reasonably
hard example problem. I probably missed something, but I hope I've
shown it is readily solved.

On 2013-05-12 23:12, James K. Lowden wrote:

I find it odd that

    char *s = "hello";
    cout << s;


Again, char* is a special case. Mainly because C used char* values
to represent string values.


    struct { char *s; } s = { "hello" };
    cout << s;

does not. I do not understand why we accept serialization of
built-in types, and resolutely refuse to standardize -- or even
support the standardization of -- serialization of user-defined

How do you define the serialization format for an arbitrary UDT?

By iteration over the members.

There is no such thing as an "arbitrary UDT". Every UDT is built up
from primitive types, and every memberwise I/O operation eventually
boils down to (de-)serialization of those primitive types.

Why should the language standard define one?

The language should define one so we can stop reinventing I/O for
every possible combination.

I do not mean C++ should suddenly see I/O added to the language
definition. I do mean that the language needs some small but
important extensions before iostreams can be extended to support
generic types.

For example, given the node type mentioned above, what's THE ONE
correct way to serialize a binary tree?

Tell me this: what's the one correct way to serialize a double?

We don't need *the* one correct way. We would benefit, though, from a
correct, reversible way. There is no reason it can't be done

For the reader's reference, the struct in question is

    struct node { int value; node* left; node* right; } n;

How, you ask? I'd do something I bet very like what you would do.
What I do not see is why the standard library couldn't do it for me,
with a little information from the compiler.

I hope someone better versed in graph theory will come to my rescue,
but here's a plausible Monday night hack:

byte type size value
     0 node 20 -
     0 int 4 x
     4 node* 8 20
    12 node* 8 40
    20 node 20 - // n.left
    20 int 4 y
    24 node* 8 60
    32 node* 8 80
    40 node 20 -
    40 int 4 z // n.right
    44 node* 8 100
    52 node* 8 120

I wrote that in ASCII of course, because we're two humans
communicating. For communication between C++ programs, the above
information would better be tokenized.

The serialization system would recognize "node" as a UDT, taken from
the list of types provided by the compiler, and would therefore have
access to the metadata array describing the members. Pointers are
denoted as offsets into the stream. In reality, the stream reflects
what the compiler itself must do to maintain the graph in memory.
(Because, after all, pointers are just offsets from zero into the
linear address space we call "memory".)

Of course, nothing prevents a graph built from such a structure from
having cycles. OTOH nothing prevents the serializer from detecting

The minimum I would like to see is the ability to iterate over the
members of a structure. Suppose they were described as an array
of tuples of {type, size, constness}. Then we could serialize
abstractly along the lines of

    struct { ... } foo;
    for_each(members_of(foo).begin(), ... );

That would be very cool, but even before being able to iterate over
struct members, the most fundamental problem to be solved is how to
represent types as data, I believe.

I simply don't see the problem. As I said, every struct or class
eventually is composed of built-in types. The compiler is able to
manage the structures in memory. The debugger is able to represent
them on the screen. What do you think is so different about a stream
that it requires a sad and lonely human being to write the I/O

But again, I guess lots of UDTs need more than just what the
template expansion can do for serialization (as imposed by the
external format).

ISTM it's not as hard as you think. You'll agree that inheritance is
a tree, and that trees can be unambiguously represented and traversed.
Structures you'll agree can be described as an array of types. If I
gave you a tree of arrays arbitrarily and recursively defined, but
with each element defined in advance -- because I'm a compiler, and
all my types are known by ODR -- then surely you would be able to
iterate over the whole steaming mass and write it to a file.

The problem as I see it is that the type system is unavailable at
runtime. The information I'm describing -- class hierarchy, member
structure -- is discarded by the compiler (except insofar as it's made
available to the debugger).

Although the vogue term is "reflection", the idea is older than
ancient. Classes in Smalltalk could be interrogated at runtime.
(Heck, IIRC classes could be *modified* at runtime. But we won't go

Stroustrup & friends restricted themselves to a single, well
understood problem: std::string. To answer my own question,
std::string is special because its need was recognized in 1985.

What makes you think std::string is special in the current context?
It's just a class type, which happens to be included in the standard
library and thus be supported better by other components in the same
library. The core language doesn't give it any special treatment.

Exactly. Because the core language discards information the standard
library could otherwise use to handle UDTs generically, std::string
had to be explicitly and painstakingly integrated into the standard
library. Before the advent of the Internet, std::string was the
answer to the one well known I/O problem, namely char*. In that day
and age, it was deemed worthwhile to craft a single-purpose type,
rather than expose the type system for the library's use.

I cannot reliably take std::string from one library and pass it to
operator<< in another. There are all sorts of little geegaws in
std::string because the compiler does not provide the requisite
information: the library must "know" the name of the char* pointer,
and the length. The library cannot simply iterate over the members
and deal with each one in turn.

Stroustrup has often expressed the wish that C++ would develop a
standard library for UIs and databases. Actually, though, those are
only two examples of C++'s poor I/O support: with the exception of
files, the standard library is silent wrt I/O. That glaring void is
invisible to us only because we're accustomed to it.

One reason, surely, is lack of standardization at the OS level.
Another, just as surely, is the impossibility of writing a library
capable of dealing with user-defined types.

Without compiler support, C++ is "just another language" participating
in the IDL-driven language-neutral serialization circus. Inevitably,
the IDL defines the very structures that could be better defined
directly in C++. Twice the complexity, half the features, and none of
the fun.

C++17 represents a chance to fill that void, as it were, with
standardized, programatically accessible metadata. Sure, let's storm
the castle! But first let's answer their questions about the speed of
a flying swallow. Perhaps they'll lower the drawbridge.


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