Re: Sanity check: public/private

"James Kanze" <>
17 Sep 2006 06:57:47 -0400
Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* Carlos Moreno:

I'm not saying that #defining private as public is the way
to run test protocols; I simply think that it is an
interesting alternative, that can be quite useful in certain
situations -- I wanted to know if I should expect the trick
to work in the general case.

 From a practical point of view I think so.

Provided he's not using private inheritance. (Even then, I'd be
surprised if he had a problem unless private inheritance was
used in the exception hierarchy. And only in exceptional cases

 From a formal point of view you're prohibited from defining a
 macro with the same name as a keyword if any standard library
 headers are included.

An alternative is to directly support testing in the classes
(it can be as simple as a "friend" declaration).

This is what I've done (or rather seen done) in the past. Every
class X has a declaration: friend class TestX. Anytime you want
to access a private member in the test, you just add a function
to TestX (which, of course, as a class only exists for this
reason, so we don't care that it isn't well designed:-)).

James Kanze (Gabi Software) email:
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